Thursday, July 10, 2008

Walks and Rocks

Paige and I went for a nice little walk last night. We went over to the park and played for a bit and took the long way home. We live out on the dirt roads. She loves to pick up the rocks and if she drops one she will not move on until she finds that very same rock that she dropped. She even picked up some big rocks for her brother. She is soo thoughtful!! So we walk down he road and there is a guy watering his lawn. We are still about 3 houses down from him and she wales............HI!!!!! So of course he comes over to say Hi to her and she asks him questions, like how old are you.... Not really a questios someone that old wants to answer, but he did answer and he said 57 and her eyes got really big like, wow you are that many.... Was very funny, she we venture back of down the road as she skips and picks up rocks. I love to watch her every move she is soo fascinated and soo attentive to everything. I love spending time with just the 2 of us. She loves to pick the roses and put them in her room. So her table is covered in rocks and roses!!
Landon is hanging in, he seemed a bit more comfortable yesterday. He just keeps kicking his legs and I have to make sure his diaper does not rub them. He is kicking alot, it is a uncomfortable kick, he just cannot sit still. He has such an amazing spirit. You can tell when he gets excited His body moves in every direction, mainly because his brain cannot tell his body what to do. He knows when I get home from work, he hears Paige and I's voice and his little body moves around. I love to hold his hand and he is getting soo much hair. Paige's hair is really thin. I have very thick hair. Landon, that boy has thick hair. It is just now getting to a length were you can comb it a bit. I love it!!! He is just the sweetest little boy!!
After 2 days of getting passed aound on the phone, we have finally made an appt for his broviac to get repaired. We have to go to Children's to get it done...............:(
Another hour and half drive just to hope that things get done when we get there and have no run arounds. The good thing is that the lady who will be doing the repairs is the same lady who took care of his picc line when we were in the hospital for the month. She is sooo clean! So I am sooo hoping for a germ free visit.

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