Friday, July 25, 2008


I don't really know how I feel, I feel so many different emotions and then when I think of it I feel almost numb.
The last few days have been a whirlwind. Nothing can prepare yourself for watching your child suffer. No matter how much you have seen or watched it is worse the next time around. This time I know that Landon is comfortable and I find peace in that.
A few nights ago Landon had a 103 fever and struggled alot! He turned blue at one point. Yesterday and last night he was breathing easier and fever went down. Today he is struggling quite a bit again.
He had his massage, he loved it. He has not been awake for days, but you can just tell he loves it! She will be coming out 2 times a week now. I feel so much peace watching him get a massage. I cannot exlain the feeling but it is very peacful.
After the massage the pastor from our church came and did the noining of the sick on Landon. Again very peacful and good to be reminded God is carrying us right now!
I cannot put into words what your support means. Phone calls, emails, I never would have imagined friends like you guys. Some of you I have not met, some I have and I feel like we have been best friends for life. Thank you for that. I am not on the computer much at all. I come down to update is CB and do some work from home and that is it. I have read the emails and hope to respond soon. I knew this would get to everyone. I will update again soon.


Mommy pfohl said...

Tami- Thank you for updating! My prayers continue for you guys. I know the emotions have to come in waves and are probably very different each time! I pray that you are able to work through them and remain in peace! I'm so glad the massage took place and he was able to enjoy it! God bless you guys! -Mindy

Shan said...

I'm just thinking of you guys nonstop. I don't know what to say other than I am praying and I think you are one AMAZING mother. Once again, I wish I lived closer:) Hugs to Paige and Landon, we're praying for all of you! Love, Shan

Michaelene said...

Good morning, Tami. Thank you for the update, I actually did read it yesterday and am just having free hands to leave you a little note. I'm thinking of you all, and Praying. I hope you were able to rest as was Landon, hoping he's a little more comfy after a massage. Praying, Praying and Praying, especially for God's grace, comfort and time. Hugs to you all and we send much love and Prayers for Blessings.