Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Concert

It went great. She was so excited and had a great time. She was nervous up there sining, she swayed her arms and moved side to side, but she did great!!! She has her Christmas party today and couldn't be more excited to have the next 2 weeks off.
She said to me in the car last night
P- "mommy Sabrina in my class is really cute and all the boys like her"
Me-" oh sweetie you are very cute too"
P-"I know I am"
ME-" Besides you don't want a boy to like you just becuase your cute, you want them to like who you for who you are on the inside and because your funny and a great person"
Me-"Shawn (LDR--"boyfriend") doesn't like me cause he thinks I'm cute, he likes me cause he thinks I am funny"
P-"UH, No your not mom!"
Too funny! Why is she thinking about boys when she is only 6 anyways! I told her to have fun with her friends and not to worry about stinky BOYS!!

She has her last Basketball game tomorrow and my sis and neice and nephew are coming down for the night. Should be a fun, relaxing weekend. I really need to do some Christmas shopping!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A bit of bragging and such

This is how we got our Christmas tree home.

I unloaded the tree off the roof of the myslef. I then proceeded too cut the bottom off with a hand saw. After hand saw would go no further (or maybe it was my weak muscles), I grabbed the sharpest knife in my kitchen and proceeded to fail. I remembered there was a skill saw in the garage..........WHOA BABY! My first time using that thing, and I am very blessed to still have all of my body parts. BUT that did the job! Managed to get the tree all set up and it looks great!
We had a great weekend with friends and family. Back to the grind and I think I better get started on Christmas shopping soon. Paige has her very first musical presentation at school tomorrow night. I am extremely excited although a bit nervous for her at the same time. Hoping her anxiety is on the low side! I showed her how to stand with her knee's bent a bit.
My older sister locked her knees once on the bleechers and that WAS NOT GOOD!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hittin the Mountains

We are headed up to see a good friend from High School this weekend. Will be nice to catch up and have some good laughs.
Taking Paige to get her glasses checked to make sure the prescription we got was the right one and make sure they are fitting right. She has had numerous headaches again and dizziness. Hoping it is just the glasses and if not, off to the doctor's we go. I really do think it is her glasses since she is standing right smack dab infront of the TV screen. I think I tell her every 30 seconds to back up and sit down!
She has been acting fine other than that. Been dancing around the living room and jumpin off the couch having a great time. I taught her a few moves! The Roger Rabbit and The Running Man!
Happy Weekend!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


My 6 yr old has decided to act like a teeny bopper and have her hair curled in the mornings. One day she won't let me brush it and the next I am brushing, hairspraying and curling. Her hair is so fine, like mine, and will curl a bit but a few minutes later goes pretty much straight. Day 1-- I heard a small wimper "my hair won't curl right" Day 2-- It was a screaming, crying mess of all messes!!! "my hair won't curl, it looks ugly, I AM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL!!" AHH!!!! Needless to say we were 3 minutes late to school. Day 3-- I moosed the you know what outta that fine hair and we got amazing curls and ran off to school to make it on time and I kept my fingures crossed that those curls stayed in until she took her face out of a mirrors site! SUCCESS!!! Day 4--She did not ask for her hair curled and as I tried to brush it I got the old "Ouch that hurts, don't touch my hair". Oh yes, it's a good day!

We had a great Thanskgiving. Went to Minnesota to see the, well ok, I guess I can say it............Boyfriend. (I don't know why that sounds so weird to say.)
Paige and I trucked 12 hours. We had great food and a great time! She did pretty amazing in the car, thanks to the DVD player and tons of patience!