Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thank you

Thanks for your prayers, Landon was ok through the night and woke up pretty wet. So far today his dipaers are wet. Very good news! He is very squirmy still though and not sure if he is having seizures or if he is having stiff/pain in his muscles. I soo appreciate your thoughts and prayers!! This disease is horrible!! I hate it and everything about it. Is is down right scary!

Paige is doing well. She is getting soo big!! I look at her and her beauty is amazing. She had a dentist appt yesteday and she has 2 cavities, WHAT! I was a little suprised but we have been sclakin in that department. Since Landon was born we have tried to keep a routine, but really is not feezable all the time. Also she loves fruit chews, so we are backing down on the fruit chews. They will be a very special treat now. I am going to make it a point to make sure she brushes in the morning and at night and stick to it regardless. She will not have to have a shot for the fillings just some laughing gas. Thought should be hilarious!! This girl with laughing gas, yeah right!! Should be very interesting to say the least.

Thanks again for the prayers!!


Michaelene said...

Cruel disease. Still Praying for his comfort and ease, today. Glad to hear yesterday was a bit better for him. Hooray for wet diapers =)

Little Miss Paige - I can't believe she has sugar bugs! And fruit chews (or any kind of sticky candy for that matter) are the worst! When I was pregnant with Garrett I CRAVED Hot Tamales, I could eat them by the pound! It cost me 2 root canals and many, many fillings. Needless to say, I don't hardly touch the chewy stuff now, and if I do, I brush and floss shortly after! I hope she does well with getting them filled - watch out for sticky candy and gum afterward, it will pull the filling out (can you tell the troubles I had! Eeek!).

Holly said...

HURRAY for wet diapers. Please keep us updated, I know you will, I will be praying for him.
Paige- poor kiddo! What stinky news that is. :) She's so cute! Fruit Chews! :)