Sunday, August 3, 2008

Things to live by...

My family is gone and this afternoon is Paige and I. I have been scared to go to the cemetery, so I waited until it was just us. Paige and I pack up and take flowers and a picture. As we pulled into the cemetery, there was an old man pulling out and I gave him a little waive with my finger. We get to Landon's site and are sitting there hugging and me sobbing. Well the guy pulls up in his car and gets out and asks if we are family, I an thinking it was kind of rude for him to interupt, I said yes he is my son. He said his sorries and gave a hug and gave some good advice. Said he had lost his wife and instead of talking to someone he bundled it all up inside and had a very tough time. Told me to make sure I don't hold it in, to let it all out and talk to someone. Then he gives another hug and introduced himself and went on his way. We left shortly after, it started to rain. As we pulled out he was sitting there and I rolled down my window. He asked if we had a deep freeze or had room in the freezer for some vegies. I said yes and he asked me to follow him to his house. I have to admit I was freaked out, thinking ok this is what your mom always told you not to do. I followed closely and thought well if he lives outside of town, I am bailing. He pulled into a house not to far down the road, neighbors were out. So I got out and went in and he gave us 2 huge bags full of vegies. Fresh potatos, onions, cucumber, lettuce. And a ton of frozen vegies. He took us out and showed us his garden. Showed us the enormous cucumber he is going to be entering into a contest at the festival next week. Was a very nice man. He gave me a sheet of paper and told me he tries to live by this and for me to take it and read it. This is what it said

Things to live by...
The most useless thinkg to do ...Worry
The greatest Joy ...Giving
The greatest loss ...Loss of self-respect
The ugliest personality trait ...Selfishness
The most endangered species ...Dedicated leaders
The greatest "shot in the arm" ...Encouragement
Most effective sleeping pill ...Peace of Mind
The most crippling failure disease ...Excuses
The most powerful force in life ...Love
The most dangerous pariah ...A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer ...The brain
The worst thing to be without ...Hope
The deadliest weapon ... The tongue
The two most power-filled words ... I can
The greatest asset ...Faith
The most worthless emotion ...Self pity
The most prized possession ...Integrity
The most beautiful attire ...A smile
The most powerful channel of communication ... Prayer
The most contagious spirit ...Enthusiasm
The most important thing in life ...GOD


Holly said...

I love it!! Thank you for sharing. I think you and I know where this man came from :) What a beautiful story. I am glad you wrote it, print it, keep it... remember this day.

Mommy pfohl said...

Thank you for sharing that! God puts people in our lives at just the RIGHT TIME!! Many hugs and prayers! You take what he said and don't hold it in! Hugs!

Michaelene said...

What a great post - thank you for sharing. What a Godsend that kind man is -- nurturing the body and the soul!
Love & Prayers...

Shan said...

I like those, that's a good list. I'm glad you ran into him, and it was sooo good talking to you last night. Our love to you and Paige (and Sugar, Josie wants a cat so bad she's taken to treating her stuffed cat with the carrier as though it's real)!