Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where are the days going?????

Wow, I just learned that today is Wednesday and not Tuesday! WOW! As I put on my socks this morning I remember thinking, ugh it's only Tuesday! I just looked at mckmama's blog and thought how is she posting for Wednesday when it is only Tuesday, I had to check my inbox to see the date. WEIRD!
The days are going so fast/ weeks even. Seems with Paige in school, we come home eat, do homework, trying to read 15-20 minutes each night. That seems like a short time, but really that is a long time for me to keep Paige's attention. But she does great. We finished her homework last night and she wanted to do more!! Awesome! I hope this keeps up!
Bribing works wonders folks, it really does :=
We got her Halloween Costume today, she is going to be a Broncos Cheerleader.
The sun is out and it is warming up!
October is the month 2 years ago that we ended up in the Hospital with Landon....It is the past, but for some reason those memories come back as fresh as if it were yesterday. The season is soo strong. Feelings and emotions all come back. I was standing in the kitchen and paused....I don't know if it was the sound of the fridge, or the lighting but it just took me back 2 years ago. It reminded me of standing in the family kitchen at Children's getting my morning coffee. Holding my sweet boy day and night for a month in the hosptial. As much as I hated it, and as sick as he was, I was holding him. I would not wish that back because he was soo sick.....but I miss him so much!


Shan said...

October is hard for us too, I wish I'd know you were there... we could have had that morning coffee together :)

Jen said...

days slip away from me too.. I know what you mean about going back or even just having that feeling back.. I wish that too.. hugs..