Monday, March 2, 2009

More Busy-ness

Is it really March?
Wow, tonight is Paige's last swim lesson. We had been doing it on Saturday mornings until the gymnastics popped up and then the best time for the pool was Monday after work. Well Monday at 630pm, Paige is a bit tired and it just really is not the best time for her little body and brain to get the most out of it. Tonight is her last session and I will resign her but will wait the 3 weeks until gymnastics is over to take her again. She is loving all of it. She is such a busy bee, she cannot stand to not be doing things.
We had a great weekend. Took a trip to Estes for Abby's piano recital and then back down yesterday morning to drop Paige off with her dad and for me to get some much need, much put off yard work done. I think I was to do that last weekend. But it did get done and I will scream if I pull up to my yard covered in tumble weeds. I raked over about 6 piles to the field across the street. And bagged another 4 bags of them. I have found they are easy to pick up when wet!
So as I watered my plants (it has been so dry), I also watered my tumble weeds and they squished right up into the bag!
The fundraiser is all set up, just waiting for the most important peice, the website. I should have that address to post soon. This website was created by the UMDF and all proceeds go directly to them, great huh! I am soo excited, I can hardly stand it! Such an honor to do this for Landon and all the other mito kids!
I am off for groceries on lunch!

1 comment:

Shan said...

It's too bad you have to take a break from swim, but awesome that Paige loves gymnastics! Josie does too, it's the highlight of her week:) Glad you guys are good, and I too am so excited about Landon's Hope!