Sunday, November 23, 2008

Me Time

Paige went with Mike yesterday and spent the night. I read an entire book on grieving. I have never read a entire book, OK well maybe 1 or 2 in my life. And I read this entire book (ok, almost) in one day. It is How to Survive loss of a child. I have read alot of them, well skimmed through alot of them. This book is written by a psychologist and also has lost a child and is a woman. Anyway I highly recommend it to those who need it.
Anyways I read the book, I did nothing but read and lay on the couch with my heating pad on, oh and I did soak in the warm tub! I looked at my messy house and did not even think about cleaning it. I had no energy to. So I took me time and it felt really good. I am soar today, not sure if it was all the tension I let go and my body is feeling that.
I woke this morning and did yoga, I am already feeling like a noodle. Does yoga really make your muscles that tired? I really did not feel like I was exercising, just felt good to stretch, I guess maybe I was concentrating more on when I was supposed to breath. But I feel good, I reminded myself to be gentle with myself. If anyone has tips on yoga or mediation let me know.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Tami! I am so glad you have some "me time" I hope you get more of that! Hope you are having a good week. I have a good friend who is a yoga mediation guru... ok not really but she's really into it. Email me if you want and I'll give you her number- she's an awesome very cool person and is just one of those people who is great to talk to when you are having a tuff day, I know she'd love to talk to you and give you some good meditation tips.