Been a while! Spring Break came and went. She had a fantastic time and we are back in full swing!
Soccer did not happen. When she learned she HAD to wear shin guards................weeeeellllllll.....let's just say she changed her mind and no longer wanter to play!
We won't go into the actual details :)
She would rather spend her time running wild and not follwing "soccer" rules! So we have spent our free time at the park, in the back yard, going for walks, playing hop scotch and hitting the tennis ball (pretending to play baseball). We are having a good time!
I am working on
Landon's Hope, getting fliers out and getting awesome prizes put together.
Paige's birthday is coming up on the 24th, Landon's headstone should be going in very soon, then we have his B-day and then the walk.